Powering Innovation

Traction/auxiliary inverters

Dana TM4 offers low- to high-voltage state-of-the-art traction and auxiliary inverters for a range of applications.

Combining 40 years of experience in motor control with the most advanced simulation and design tools, our inverters are best-in-class in performance, size, versatility and reliability.

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«Dana TM4’s innovative high power density inverter can be mounted in a space where no other manufacturer’s part would fit and provide amazing motor power for a new high performance electric motorcycle, customizing the inverter to meet our needs. »

Dean Pryce, Director Powertrain Engineering at Zero Motorcycle

40 years in the making

Our inverters are equipped with the latest technology in power electronics, control & interface technology and motor control algorithm to give the best performance and efficiency out of the box.

40 years of experience culminate to offer our customers best-in-class products, software and services.

Optimal performance

Our low-voltage inverter series are equipped with our in-house patented DBC MOSFET multilayer power modules, allowing for:

  • Very high power density allowing optimal compactness
  • High efficiency and long life power stage
  • Cost efficient system approach
  • High reliability