Legal Notice
All information, texts and drawings appearing on this website are either the property of Dana TM4 or are used with the authorization of their owners and are subject to copyright. Reproduction of this site or of components of its content are prohibited, except for downloading and printing one private copy solely for the purpose of consultation. Their commercial use is prohibited.
Limitation of liability
You use this website at your own risk and Dana TM4 is not liable for any direct or indirect damages, such as material loss, loss of data or programs or financial loss, resulting from the use of this site or any linked web sites. Dana TM4 makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information contained on this website, all of which is subject to change at any time, including this notice.
Dana TM4 makes the information on this website accessible on condition that it accepts no liability in any way for any damages, direct or indirect, experienced by any party in connection with this information or their consultation of this site.
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Prior written authorization from Dana TM4 is required to install a link to this site.
In any case, Dana TM4 is not liable for the content, products or services offered on another site linked to this website by a hyperlink or otherwise.
Jurisdictional issues
This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Quebec and any visitor to this site is deemed to have accepted its terms in its entirety and without reserve.